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Followingthe approval of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy 2020-2024, Decree-Law no.109-E/2021 was published in the Official Gazette on December 9, 2021, creatingthe National Anti-Corruption Mechanism ("MENAC") and approving the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption ("RGPC").
Uartrónica considers it essential to implement the Anti-Corruption Management Policy, with the aim of guaranteeing equality, transparency, free competition, impartiality, legality, integrity and the fair redistribution of wealth.
Responsibility: Uartrónica carries out its activity in asocially responsible manner, encouraging and ensuring best practices, particularly with regard to the environment, the economy and the working conditions of its employees;
Impartiality: Uartrónica assumes and puts into practice the principle of equality between all and rejects any discriminatory or favoring action within it or through its representatives;
Rigor: Uartrónica carries out its activity rigorously, demanding the best behavior from all those involved in the exercise of their duties and obligations, with a view to building a benchmark image of credibility and quality.
- Prohibit the practice of active or passive corruption;
- Ensure compliance with anti-corruption laws and regulations applicable in Portugal or in countries related to Uartrónica's activity, both national and international;
- Solicit everyone's participation in identifying practices that are less transparent or that may raise suspicions of corruption or bribery, ensuring that such practices are not subject to any reprisals;
- We are committed to meeting the requirements of the anti-corruption management system and to continuously improving the anti-corruption management system;
- Promoting awareness among all employees in the fight against corruption;
- Failure to comply with what is defined in the policies and documents of the Anti-Corruption Management System may lead to disciplinary or criminal proceedings.
This Policy applies to all Uartrónica employees, Management, internal and external consultants, directors and other employees, regardless of their type of relationship or hierarchical position. It also covers trainees, as well as any service providers or any other persons acting under the guidance or management of Uartrónica, which may bind and represent it.
The reputation and good name of Uartrónica depends on the behavior of each and every person who has dealings with it, so its actions and conduct must be guided by compliance with the best standards of professional ethics, particularly with regard to preventing and combating corruption and related infractions.
- To make employees, clients, public bodies, suppliers and the community as a whole aware of the set of principles, values and rules by which they must act, taking into account the criminal rules on corruption, related offenses and the risks of the company being exposed to these crimes;
- Foster growing relationships of trust between employees, customers and suppliers and reinforce the identity elements of Uartrónica's culture;
- Clarify for employees the rules of conduct that they must observe, through their decisions, behavior and attitudes, in a continuous and scrupulous manner, both in their relationships with each other and in the relationships they establish with third parties on behalf of Uartrónica;
- Ensure to clients, suppliers and others that Uartrónica complies with the duties of supervision and control of its activity by establishing appropriate measures to prevent and reduce the risk of committing crimes of corruption and related offenses and that it exercises the duties of vigilance and control in order to avoid misconduct that implies criminal liability for the company;
- Identify the sanctions that may be applied in the event of non-compliance with the rules of conduct.
Generally speaking, there is a crime of active corruption when a person, directly or through others, for their own benefit or for the benefit of another person, makes an offer, promise or proposal of a benefit of any kind, in exchange for a favor.
On the other hand, there is a crime of passive corruption when a person agrees to receive money or another benefit of any kind in order to perform or omit certain acts.On the other hand, there is a crime of passive corruption when a person agrees to receive money or another benefit of any kind in order to perform or omit certain acts.
In carrying out their activities, employees and managers may find themselves in situations where Uartrónica is potentially exposed to risks of corruption and related offenses.
The principles and rules contained in the law and in this Policy are aimed at not allowing any practice of bribery or corruption, in active or passive form, including facilitation payments or aimed at creating, maintaining or promising irregular or favorable situations. In this sense, it is forbidden to offer, make or authorize an undue payment (in cash or otherwise) to any person, including any local or foreign authority anywhere in the world. It is also forbidden to offer or accept money or anything of value, such as gifts, tips or commissions, in connection with business or the award of a contract, or with a view to obtaining or providing a level of service to which one would not normally be entitled.
Given the diversity of situations in which corruption and related infractions can occur, it is not possible to exhaustively list all authorized or prohibited behaviors. All those covered by this Anti-Corruption Management Policy must act with common sense and, if in doubt, act with absolute transparency, exposing situations and issues to their hierarchical superiors, those responsible for the human resources department or others designated as responsible for these matters.
Uartrónica employees have a duty to carry out their work independently, avoiding placing the company in situations that could be considered a threat to its impartiality and suitability. In this sense, they have a duty not to intervene in decision-making processes that involve, directly or indirectly, organizations with which they collaborate or have collaborated or people with whom they are or have been in a relationship or friendship. If they are unable to refrain from intervening in the aforementioned processes, they must inform Uartrónica of the existence of these situations. They also have a duty not to participate or perform duties in organizations in which the activity they carry out may conflict with their duties at Uartrónica. The existence of family or emotional ties between two people who perform duties at Uartrónica must be reported, so that Uartrónica can determine whether there is a need to change the assignment of projects to the people involved, in order to avoid possible conflicts of interest.
In the relationship with clients, the negotiation and execution of contracts with Uartrónica's clients must not result in conduct that could be considered corruption, influence peddling or favoritism.
Under no circumstances must those covered by this document make any illegal payment or grant any other advantage, directly or indirectly, to representatives of clients.
The offer of gifts, entertainment, travel and hospitality must be preceded by a rigorous analysis of appropriateness, so that they are not perceived as indirect means of corruption, and must always comply with the following rules:
- The offer must be requested from the Board of Directors and justified;
- Approval of the offer by the Administration.
It is forbidden to directly or indirectly accept any type of gifts or gifts of any value that are intended to influence any employee not to comply with their obligations and to directly or indirectly favor the person or entity granting them in the context of contracting goods or services. In all other cases, i.e. when the offer does not imply non-compliance with obligations or the direct or indirect favoring of the person or entity granting them, the criteria governing the acceptance of gifts are as follows:
- Goods, services or any other benefits with an individual and annual value (12-month period) of more than €150 or equivalent in another currency (including Christmas gifts) may not be accepted for personal benefit from suppliers or any natural or legal entity that has had or intends to have business relations with Uartrónica;
- If the same person receives several gifts from the same person, individual or collective, within a 12-month period, the limit of €150 or equivalent in another currency is measured on the aggregate value of all the gifts;
- The gift must be voluntary, must not have been previously requested and must not generate expectations of reciprocity in the giver;
- The purpose of the gift must fall within the traditional festive (e.g. Christmas, Easter) or personal congratulations, such as birthdays, constituting a small attention or courtesy and must be appropriate and proportionate to the circumstances, as allowed by custom;
- Gifts must be received at the workplace and not at the employee's private home or that of relatives or close people;
- It is forbidden to accept gifts from natural or legal persons when they are in the process of selecting and contracting the supply of goods and services to Uartrónica, in particular when the person receiving the gift participates in the decision-making process;
- The giving or receiving, under any circumstances and regardless of value, of cash, bank checks, gift certificates and others regardless of amount is prohibited;
- Gifts received in an institutional context which makes it impossible to refuse them and which do not meet the acceptance requirements must be accepted institutionally, but refused personally, in which case they must revert to the property of Uartrónica which will give them the appropriate purpose, namely by distributing them to social institutions.
When faced with such situations, employees should inform their superiors.
Obtaining any advantage through any improper method is expressly forbidden. In carrying out their duties, the applicable legislation and regulations on the prevention of corruption must be scrupulously observed. Uartrónica must be immediately informed of any requests to agree to conduct related to bribery, influence peddling and forgery.
Any behavior that may constitute coercion, in its aspects of harassment, whether moral or sexual, or the practice known as bullying, in any form, is not tolerated. Discriminatory behavior is also not tolerated, particularly on the basis of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ancestry, age, language, origin, political or ideological beliefs, economic situation or social background.
Uartrónica has internal reporting channels for acts of corruption and related offenses, under the terms of the applicable legislation, which allow for the submission and secure follow-up of complaints, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity or anonymity of the complainants.
The handling of complaints guarantees independence, impartiality, confidentiality, data protection, secrecy and the absence of conflicts of interest.
The identity of the whistleblower, as well as any information that might make it possible to deduce their identity, is confidential and restricted to those responsible for receiving or following up on complaints.
The identity of the whistleblower is only disclosed as a result of a legal obligation or court order.
If any circumstance leads you to believe that there have been violations of the law or this document, you should report this concern through the mechanisms established for this purpose, namely through the company's internal whistleblowing channels.
- Website:
- Online reporting: http://uarsw:8001
- Reporting by post
- Reporting in person
Once the reports identified above have been received, the Board of Directors, together with other elements, particularly in the Legal area, will proceed to ascertain the facts deemed relevant, including by opening an internal investigation or others, or by notifying the competent authorities to investigate the infraction.
Cooperation in investigations is a duty of the addressees of this Policy, including external entities that support the steps taken. The fundamental rights of the person being reported, namely the defense of their good name, privacy and the right to file a complaint for libelous reporting, must not be undermined in any case. For each infraction, a report is drawn up which identifies the rules violated, the sanction applied, as well as the measures adopted or to be adopted, namely within the scope of the internal control system.
The recipients of the Policy are bound by the rules contained therein. Violation or non-compliance with the general rules of conduct reflected in this Policy, in addition to not being tolerable, constitutes a disciplinary infraction punishable under the terms of the Labor Code, without prejudice to civil, criminal or other liability that may occur. If it is detected that an act or omission inconsistent with the provisions of this Policy has been committed by a business partner or supplier, Uartrónica will make every effort to assess the extent to which preventive actions have been implemented to prevent such behavior from occurring again in the future, in which context the possible repercussions of this circumstance on commercial or partnership relations with them will be assessed.
This Policy comes into force on April 1, 2024, and will be reviewed every 3 years or whenever justified, taking into account, in particular, the risk assessment of Uartrónica's exposure to crimes of corruption and related offenses or changes in Uartrónica's organic or corporate structure.
This document will be publicized on the Uartrónica Intranet and official website within 10 days of its implementation and respective revisions.
Uartrónica expects all employees and partners to be fully committed to the continued satisfaction of our customers, always with an ethical and transparent attitude in order to guarantee an environment of growth and trust.